Power supply for Apple Macbook

has still not like other people, even the power supply to their
language Macbook laptop and something different from the usual adapters.
The material could well be a description of a successful repair, that
repair only went unsuccessful, but about everything in order.
Brought to repair a small old Apple Macbook, where the adapter is not
charged, after the pull is enough and perturbations connector charged,
and recently stopped working at all.
Power supply Apple Macbook 16,5V 3,65A 60W
The power supply is collected in a small body of white plastic. To a PC power supply is connected with a special plug - it on the side wall MacBook has the correct slot. The plug has a light indication - so if the battery is charging, the indicator glows orange; and if the battery is already charged - green. Of course in the first place suggests three options for the reasons for refusal:
1) Wear on the end of the cable - this is the most common problem. It appears because the user is offline charging from MacBook, pulls the cable, not the port itself MagSafe.
2) Wear of the base of the cable. It arises due to incorrect winding the cable around the power supply.
3) Failure of the controller connection MagSafe. In this case, the charge may sometimes be infected, and sometimes not.
Let's see what all of this can be done.
First try not to reveal, and just pick open the PSU, as no screws are
not there, and instead of latches, how often do on the remote control,
for example, simply pasted over all the contour.
Expanding half tester was able to reach the contacts of the two wires belonging to the power supply board. Continuity showed a short circuit, which disappeared after cutting one of the conductors.
It is clear that now have to work with the plug. A plug is equipped with the original Apple Macbook magnetic mount - MagSafe Connector.
It simplifies the connection of the charger to a laptop (enough to
bring the plug connector, as he begins to "pull" to a properly installed
in the slot).
And also makes the procedure charging more secure, because if during
the charging cord is pulled too hard - say, someone hooked his foot -
the connector disconnected independently; otherwise the laptop would fall from the table and go wrong.
Apple uses in its laptops, intelligent power supply, which means that
in addition to the power supply, there is an information channel. The connector block is a chip that "communicates" c multicontroller (SMC) on the motherboard.
The chip has a memory area in which data is recorded on the unit
(manufacturer, serial number, capacity, etc.), and while the Macbook is
not "read" the information, it will not work on this unit.
The pin power supply from the MacBook
Having examined the plug saw wires from 5 contacts almost torn, and the
earth wire, braiding - all razlohmatilsya and all pozamykal miniature
scarf, which is mounted in the plug.
Naturally repair here is very impeded, especially as some tracks on the headscarf posdiralis.
Of course with a strong desire, you can try to re-establish contact,
and some specialists did so, but it is so small and unreliable, it is
better to just buy a new PSU.
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